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Products > Movement > Twin See-saw

Twin See-saw

Twin See-saw

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Order number: 6.11620

Richter Spielgeräte


Play Value

Beam See-saws are available in different designs. The basic version has hand grips for two children, the beam is supported on a coloured metal axle. The Double See-saw has two grips on each side of the beam and can be used by four children at the same time. The Twin See-saw offers special fun as the see-saws are connected. Going up and down side by side is great fun.

Recommended For

  • kindergarten children
  • schoolchildren
  • supervised play areas such as kindergartens, schools, after
  • school programmes or similar
  • public play areas without supervision such as playgrounds, parks or similar

Price Enquiry

Twin See-saw - Order No: 6.11620

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