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Excavator with wheelchair access

Excavator with wheelchair access

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Order number: 5.30100

Richter Spielgeräte


Play Value

During play, children love to imitate movement patterns and work operations belonging to the adult world. Our Excavator with wheelchair access takes into account the special needs of those with restricted mobility yet offers the opportunity to experience shovelling activities. And if water is close by, the Excavator offers an especially intensive playing experience. Ground-level access to the Excavator is possible via a ramp. The side swivelling movement of the Excavator arm is controlled by a handwheel, while the shovel is steered using two hand levers installed at the left and right. With a radius of reach of 2.40 m, the Excavator enables access to an extensive play area.

Recommended For

  • supervised play areas, such as schools, after-school programmes or similar

Price Enquiry

Excavator with wheelchair access - Order No: 5.30100

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