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Products > Sand and water > Caterpillar Type 01

Caterpillar  Type 01

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Caterpillar  Type 01

Caterpillar Type 01

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Order number: 5.00010

Richter Spielgeräte


Play Value

The caterpillar is a friendly play offer for small children. The harmonious appearance of the figure and the way in which it is possible to play from both sides offer a lively and pleasant basis for smaller playing spaces. The space partitions promote communicative play, but also make it possible to create borders and divisions of the play areas. Alongside there are many different sand play offers such as sand shovel, sand dump, sieve, turntable, baking table and sand channels.

Recommended For

  • Children under 3 years
  • Kindergarten children
  • Supervised play areas such as kindergartens, schools, after-school programmes or similar
  • Public play areas withour supervision, such as kindergartens, schools, after-school programmes or similar
  • Private play areas without supervision, such as camp sites or similar

Price Enquiry

Caterpillar Type 01 - Order No: 5.00010

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