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Products > Movement > Wheelchair Swing incl. wooden construction, permitted only in supvervised areas

Wheelchair Swing incl. wooden construction, permitted only in supvervised areas

Wheelchair Swing incl. wooden construction, permitted only in supvervised areas

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Order number: L6.29110

Richter Spielgeräte


Play Value

Swings are a basic element for every play world and are highly attractive to people. Rocking and swinging movements have a soothing effect; they release tension and give pleasure. Our Wheelchair Swing takes into account the special needs of those with restricted mobility yet is able to offer the opportunity to experience swinging. Ground-level access to the swing is possible via a ramp. After securely positioning the wheelchair in the gondola, the carer can exit via the rear through a lockable opening. A bar to fix the wheelchair in place as well one serving as a parking brake combined with level compensation guarantee an enjoyable swinging experience. The matching Wooden Structure, which is essential for using the equipment, consists of an access ramp, a turning area and a platform adjusted to the swinging radius.

Recommended For

  • School children
  • Young people
  • Adults
  • Older people
  • Only suitable for supervised play areas

Price Enquiry

Wheelchair Swing incl. wooden construction, permitted only in supvervised areas - Order No: L6.29110

* indicates required