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Comes Around 1

Comes Around 1

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Order number: 7.83001

Richter Spielgeräte


Play Value

Our Comes Around is an aesthetically convincing as well as comfortable sitting area. The two staggered halfshell-shaped niches each have a bench and invite the children to retreat or take a short breather before resuming play. There’s also room for role-playing games, and older children use the Comes Around to hang out and keep watch or climb and balance along the crossbars.

Recommended For

  • School children
  • Young people
  • Supervised play areas, such as kindergartens, schools, after-school programmes or similar-
  • Public play areas without supervision, such as playgrounds, parks or similar
  • Private play areas without supervision, such as campsites or similar

Price Enquiry

Comes Around 1 - Order No: 7.83001

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