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Flow Table with 8 obstacles, stainless steel/rubber

Flow Table with 8 obstacles, stainless steel/rubber

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Order number: 5.41020

Richter Spielgeräte


Play Value

It is always easier to understand physical phenomena when one can observe it in real life. The experience is particularly intense when the result can be achieved by doing it one's self. This table, with its adjustable barriers forming obstacles to the flowing water, allows for such an experience. Pictures of water currents flowing at different speeds become recognisable, as do whirls, whirlpools and meanders. When sand or gravel is added, one can watch the formation of islands or counter-currents. A special cognitive learning process is then afforded to children to aid their understanding. This is however not absolutely vital for being able to enjoy this instructive game.

Recommended For

  • kindergarten children
  • schoolchildren
  • public play areas without supervision such as playgrounds, parks or similar
  • water play areas without supervision
  • swimming pools without supervision, such as outdoor pools, adventure pools or similar
  • leisure parks

Price Enquiry

Flow Table with 8 obstacles, stainless steel/rubber - Order No: 5.41020

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