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Turning Stone

Tuning Stone

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Order number: 10.44000

Richter Spielgeräte


Play Value

It is a well-known fact that, together with the eyes, the ears perceive a great amount of sensory impressions. However, not many of us know how many interesting sounds can be produced by tapping a stone. The ear helps us to „see“ the invisible characteristics of the stone such as hardness, mass and elasticity. Experience of sound is experience of contact. The vibration of the stone is not only conveyed by the eardrum but also via the human skin and - in the case of the Tuning Stone, intensively by the hands. The Tuning Stone is similar to a large tuning fork. The stone has two vertical cuts running down two-thirds of its length, and the split elements can be vibrated. This is achieved by lightly tapping the stone with the flat of the hand or by rubbing the stone firmly with water. This requires a number of attempts and some practice. The participant must achieve an empathy with the stone in order to find the correct frequency, and this enables a special connection to be made with the otherwise cold material.

Recommended For

  • schoolchildren
  • young people
  • adults
  • older people
  • supervised play areas such as kindergartens, schools, after-school programmes or similar
  • public play areas without supervision, such as playgrounds, parks or similar

Price Enquiry

Tuning Stone - Order No: 10.44000

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