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Timberplay Celebrates Victory at the Inaugural Insider Media Yorkshire Placemaking Awards

Timberplay Celebrates Victory at the Inaugural Insider Media Yorkshire Placemaking Awards

21 Jun 2024


Timberplay Celebrates Victory at the Inaugural Insider Media Yorkshire Placemaking Awards

We are thrilled to announce that Timberplay, as collaborators on the Pounds Park project in Sheffield, have been honoured with the prestigious Insider Media Yorkshire Placemaking Award for Streetscapes and Public Realm. This accolade, which we received for our work on Pounds Park in Sheffield, underscores our commitment to creating spaces that enrich communities and foster public engagement.

The inaugural Yorkshire Placemaking Awards, held at the Life Centre and compered by the charismatic Ian Moore, celebrated projects and individuals dedicated to improving their local areas. Sponsored by Bradford UK City of Culture 2025 and with a drinks reception sponsored by Social, the event highlighted the importance of thoughtful placemaking in Yorkshire.

Pounds Park: A New Urban Oasis

Pounds Park, a key part of Sheffield’s Heart of the City development, exemplifies the transformative potential of public spaces. Building on the success of Sheffield's Grey-to-Green initiative, this play area was created to become a vibrant outdoor space and social hub. The judges praised Sheffield City Council's bold decision to prioritise a playground over commercial development, recognising the lasting value such spaces bring to urban life.

The success of Pounds Park is a testament to the collaborative efforts of Sheffield City Council, Henry Boot Construction, Planit-IE, Whittam-Cox Architects, Dudleys Consulting Engineers, HE Barnes, Timberplay, and Northstar Civil Engineering. Each partner played a vital role in bringing this vision to life, creating a space that promises joy and utility for Sheffield residents and visitors.


Fierce Competition and Commendable Projects

While we are immensely proud of our achievement, we also want to acknowledge the remarkable projects that were shortlisted alongside Pounds Park. The competition in the Streetscapes and Public Realm category was formidable, showcasing a range of innovative and impactful initiatives.

Highly commended was the Top of Town Public Realm Improvements in Bradford, a project driven by the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council and supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Faithful and Gould, and Eric Wright Civil Engineering. This project stands as a significant enhancement to Bradford's urban landscape, reflecting a deep commitment to cultural and historical preservation.


Other notable shortlisted projects included:

  • New Street Public Realm Improvements, Huddersfield: Spearheaded by Kirklees Council, this project aims to rejuvenate a central urban area, enhancing its appeal and functionality.
  • Forge Island, Rotherham: A collaborative effort by Muse, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, Bowmer + Kirkland, Arup, Helm Consulting, Arcadis, re-form Landscape Architecture, and FaulknerBrowns Architects, this development is set to become a cornerstone of Rotherham’s urban renaissance.


A Commitment to Excellence in Placemaking

Our victory in the Streetscapes and Public Realm category is not just a win for Timberplay but a celebration of the collective effort that goes into creating exceptional public spaces. We are deeply grateful to our partners and the community for their support and collaboration.

As we celebrate this achievement, we also look forward to continuing our mission of enhancing public realms across Yorkshire and beyond. The recognition from the Insider Media Yorkshire Placemaking Awards inspires us to push the boundaries of what is possible in urban design and placemaking.

For more information about our work on Pounds Park, please visit our case study.

Thank you to everyone who made this project a success, and congratulations to all the nominees and winners for their outstanding contributions to Yorkshire’s urban landscape.